Charity Shows
The Ilford Magical Society
Supporting local charities for over 25 years
Can we help you too?

This is what they say
"I a witing on behalf of our NSPCC Committee, to thank you and your team of magicians, for such a great evening. One only had to look around at the tables and seethe rapt attention and hear the clapping and peals of laughter, to know people were enjoying themselves! We are delight to have a profit on the evening of £1,026"
Caroline Risdon (Secretary)
Just a short note to thank you and your members for such an enjoyable evening. Well done to you all. It was, not only, very enjoyable but we also made around £700 profit to go to the HEAL charity, which was an excellent result.
Pat Sayer
Would you pass on our very grateful thanks to your members for the excellent show they gave us. As I said at the time, I thought it was one of the best I have seen. Our profit for the evening was £455.90, which will go towards much needed funds into research into this disease.
P.G. Ould, Leukaemia Research

An Evening of Family Fun
For over 25 years, The Ilford Magical Society has helped raise thousands of pounds for local charities and societies with their evening of magic and mystery. The evening, which is suitable for a family audience, includes close-up "right under your nose magic" as well as a cabaret show. Here is the format of a typical show:
7:30 Doors Open
8:00 Curtain up - Meet the compére who will take you through the evening
8:05 Close-up magic - Four magicians take it in turn to visit your table and work magical miracles right under your nose
9:05 Interval - A chance for your raffle, food, etc.
9:30 Stage Show - Three different acts with a mixture of comedy, classical and mind reading magic
10:30 End of Show
Please note: at a typical show, there will be up to 10 magicians performing at the tables and three stage acts in the cabaret. Our performers are not paid an d give their time freely. However, as a way of raising club funds we do make a small set fee charge so that we can continue to run our club professionally and to cover the costs of the show such as public liability insurance